Feedstock recycling company Recycling Technologies (RT) teamed up with Barclays to install 25 unique recycling bins at “Barclaycard presents British Summer Time Festival” in Hyde Park, to collect and recycle almost all of the previously unrecyclable plastic that was brought on site by the public.

The special recycling trial supports the festival’s already strong recycling efforts.

Some British festivals have pledged to go plastic free this year, but there’s always the issue of what people bring on site and what to do with these often unrecyclable plastic items to keep them out of landfill and the eco-system, RT says.

The recycling bins were accessible from 8-11 July, to help festival-goers be even more environmentally minded this summer and recycle plastics like bags, crisp packets, pouches and food wrappers.

The plastics will be brought to Recycling Technologies’ plant in Swindon to be recycled back into an oil, Plaxx®– a feedstock for petrochemical companies to use in processes to make new, virgin-quality plastic with recycled content.

Recycling Technologies is working with stakeholders such as Barclays and Tesco on trials to demonstrate its recycling technology and address consumers’ wishes to do more.

The technology can be easily scaled to enable local authorities across the UK to collect all plastics, to help solve pressing environmental challenges and create new jobs in the UK, the company says.

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