Cups will qualify if milk or cream fit for human consumption is the only animal by-product present, and the packaging holds a valid compostability certificate from an independent certification body.

The news has been announced by the REA’s Organics Recycling Group, following talks with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), Environment Agency and Scottish Environment Protection Agency. It was facilitated by Edinburgh-based Vegware, which specialises in plant-based compostable foodservice packaging

According to Charlie Trousdell, chair of the Organics Recycling Group, the initiative is aimed at the commercial sector where a company sells certified compostable packaging to a restaurant, café or similar.

Examples of facility types that can compost the certifiable compostable material types using a suitable environmental authorisation include open-air turned windrow and outdoor static aerated pile systems.

According to Vegware, the move “dramatically increases” the number of facilities allowed to process compostable drinks containers. And, it adds to the 53 in-vessel composting (IVC) facilities licensed to process food waste, Vegware reports.

In the wake of the announcement, Mr Trousdell emphasised the need for a “joined up” approach between the seller of the packaging, businesses using the packaging, collection companies and the composter.

He said this will give the composter “confidence that the café only places the finished coffee/drinks cups (and other approved waste) in the compostable bag.

Orginal Source