Greenzone are pleased to announce that they have been shortlisted for the award for Waste management initiative in the retail, commercial and public sector for their project The Ministry Of Defence’s delivery of the Greening Government Commitments 4 Years Early working in partnership with Aramark.

The Greening Government Commitments (GGCs) set out actions that the UK government departments and their partner organisations must take to reduce their impact on the environment from 2021 to 2025. Greenzone partnered with Side By Side – Aramark to exceed the GCG’s 4 targets, and managed this an impressive 4 years earlier than planned.

The targets were very clear which were set to reduce waste generated by 15%, reduce landfill to less than 5% of their overall waste, to increase recycling to at least 70% of overall waste and measure and report on its’ food waste by 2022. This project didn’t present itself without challenges compromising of 127 locations including barracks, medical/dental centres and civil service centres across large regions  including SE & London, North, Scotland and Northern Ireland which in turn was projected to generate 35,000 tonnes of waste per annum. These secure sites and their transient population produce a waste generation that requires continuous proactive management. A significant behavioural and cultural change was required to engage 50,000 troops, DIO staff and 9,000 Side By Side employees.

Side By Side’s own sustainability plan, Be Well. Do Well.™ guided the development of the Contract Waste Management Plans. Greenzone, The Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Side By Side partnered to integrate these plans across the entire estate with a comprehensive waste management strategy that was development and executed I a timely manner. In 2018 97% of waste was diverted from landfill but only 29% of it was recycled and now In 2022 100% of waste was diverted from landfill  with 77% recycled which equates to an additional 8270 tonnes of waste being recycled per annum.

Over 400 people are expect to gather on the 11th May in London to celebrate the best of the best in the recycling and waste industry with it being the 20th Anniversary of the awards! Good luck to all the finalist that have been selected and we look forward to seeing you at the event in May.

Greenzone shortlisted