The West Lothian plant will provide waste management services and recycled aggregates to builders, construction companies and contractors.

The company said it expected an annual turnover of £3 million at the plant and further job opportunities on top of the 20 roles retained from previous owner Henry Gillies Brewster Bros’ director, Scott Brewster, said the facility was “the UK’s largest” of its kind.

He said: “Our number one aim is to treat and recycle construction and demolition waste as a resource, ensuring zero waste to landfill.

“Through significant investment into state-of-the-art recycling techniques provided by the plant supplier CDE, we are looking forward to shaping the future of the recycling industry across Scotland and beyond.

“This new plant should act as a game-changer for the construction industry, by saving money for our customers and ensuring they can dispose of their construction and demolition waste in a cost-effective and sustainable way.”

Stephen Boyle, from Zero Waste Scotland, said: “In Scotland the construction sector is responsible for producing nearly half of the country’s waste and recycling construction and demolition material has a key role to play in minimising that.

“By recycling, we can keep materials out of landfill and in high-value use for longer, reducing the need to quarry finite virgin material and helping the environment.”

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